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Who We Are

The Queenscliffe Historical Museum is a regional cultural museum in the town of Queenscliff, Victoria, Australia. The museum is accredited by the Community Museum Accreditation Program (CMAP).

The Museum is an incorporated body and all members are voluntary. It is managed by a Committee of Management of voluntary members.

Patron: The Hon Ted Baillieu AO

Committee of Management

President: Phil Misso (Governance & Policy)
Vice-President: Diana Lloyd (Reaccreditation)
Vice-President: Mary-Lou Gilbert (Events & Monthly Talks)
Paul Attwood (Secretary, Meeting Agenda and Minutes
Kathryn Hines (Administration)
Peter Ley (Merchandise and Finance)
Catherine McNamara (Administration and Volunteers)
Denis O’Reilly (Treasurer)
Diana Sawyer (Research and Publications)
Ian Sharrock (IT)

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Associate Members

Lesley Alway (Exhibition Adviser)
Sandra Lee (Collections)
Steve Lee (Building & Audio Visual)
Kathy Lang (Photographs)
Marilyn Miller, Bree Huxley (Publicity, Social Media, Website)
Editorial Team: Marilyn Miller, Sandra Lee, Robin Spry.

Assisted by

Terry Philp (Hon Auditor)

Volunteers and Members

370 Members, including 130 volunteers